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Dance studios, like all other businesses, are constantly in need of new customers to succeed. Regardless of the loyalty level of your initial customer base, they will eventually move on from your studio, and if you have no new clients coming in your studio will gradually become empty.
There are numerous varieties of dance schools. They range from studios which specialize in introducing dance to young children to professional studios which concentrate on presenting polished dance productions. Dance studio marketing can be quite similar for all these types of schools. Basic techniques form a sufficient base for all of them and then each can be customized as required.
The tried and true method of word of mouth is one of the best ways to drum up new business. One satisfied customer tells and interested party about your studio, and they might become involved, too. Actively encouraging participant to spread the word is important, though, as the topic of dance studios might not come up in typical conversation. Of course, current dancers don't need to become professionals in dance studio marketing, but getting your dancers to make that extra effort to tell family and friends about productions of recital can definitely spark interest in your studio.
Old fashioned print marketing is another way to find new business. Someone running a children's dance school might put up flyers at an after-school center. For a studio doing productions, local colleges or health clubs can be fruitful recruiting grounds. Putting a small blurb in a local paper can also help, although this might not be as effective as it once was since more people are turning to electronic means for their news.
Fortunately, it is possible to put those electronic means to use for dance marketing as well. This does not mean filming a television commercial-that would be prohibitively expensive for all but the most successful studios-but the internet is freely available, and people use online searches to find all manner of things. By marketing a dance studio online, it is possible to reach a wider customer base than a few flyers would.
Not only can a website reach a much wider consumer base than simple flyers, a website can easily include color pictures of your studio's work. Also, it is possible to post short clips from recitals and performances. Your website will also have infinitely more space that a little box in the newspaper ever could. Make it easy to see everything your studio can offer, including schedules, teaching credentials, and much more.
Dance studio marketing techniques like word of mouth remain timeless, but online ways of marketing a dance studio can increase its reach. Nowadays, with people living in fragmented communities where even their neighbors are strangers to them, being able to go online and find out about local studios can replace the old way of finding such resources--spreading the word about hobbies and interests. Thus an online presence for the dance studio can be helpful both for potential customers and studios themselves.
There are many types of dance studios, from teaching studios intended to introduce children to dancing to professional studios that put on various productions throughout the year. Variations on the same type of dance studio marketing will work for most of them, albeit with some customization. Electronic media is also an option for dance marketing. This does not have to include costly television commercials which only the most successful studios can afford. The internet can reach a large audience since so many people use online search. Using the internet for marketing a dance studio online has the potential for much greater success than mailing out flyers would.