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Bornholm Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Bornholm disease is also known as epidemic myalgia, epidemic pleurodynia, and devil's grip. It is a viral illness with muscular pain in the lower chest and upper abdomen areas. Epidemics usually occur in times of warm weather in temperate regions. A virus called Coxsackie B is spread through physical contact and is shed in the feces of infected persons in large amounts. Sharing drink containers can also spread the virus. The disease involves pleural, lung, heart, liver, brain, and testicle complications. It can even prove to be fatal in humans and newborns. In terms of duration, Bornholm disease lasts for approximately one week in cases with no other complications.
Most commonly, Virus Coxsackie group B causes Bornholm disease, although there are many other causes as well. Picornavirus also results in Bornholm disease. This virus is found in large amounts in the feces of infected people. The virus enters through the mouth of the person through their fingers after immediate contact with contaminated items such as nappies and toilets of already infected individuals. Therefore, individuals who do not wash their hands properly are likely to transmit it. Additionally, it also spreads through saliva, toothpaste and nasal secretion. People of any age can be victim of this disease, but it is commonly reported in those below the age of thirty.
The following are the symptoms of Bornholm disease:
Sudden onset of fever
Severe headache
Pain in the lower chest
Pain in the upper abdomen on one side only
Pain in the rib cage (Coughing and sneezing can worsen the pain in the rib cage.)
Sore throat
Plevritis pain
Swelling of muscles
Symptoms are generally seen after four days following the initial onset of the disease. The pain in the lower chest and upper abdomen may vary from individual to individual, and is quite similar to a stabbing pain. The pain can also be spasmodic and last for 15 minutes, which may in some cases extend to half an hour. However, fever and pain, both in the chest and abdomen, disappear within 3-4 days. These symptoms last for 2-6 days in adults, and for 2 days in children, but similar occurrences can be observed again within a few days. In the case of reoccurrence of fever, it will then last for a week or so.
Bornholm disease should be treated as soon as a person experiences the symptoms described. The person should consult a doctor immediately, thus preventing the severity of the disease. If the duration of the disease is less than a week, then there is no chance of death. However, if it persists for longer than one week, then the person must undergo a severe course of treatment. Treatments include the application of heat to the infected area by placing a hot bag on painful areas or muscles. Taking certain drugs or painkillers can also cure the fever. In addition to this, a person should remain in a hygienic environment so as to avoid any risk of spreading the disease. Also, the doctor should maintain hygienic surroundings so that infection does not continue to affect the patient. Most importantly, non-infected people should stay at a safe distance, especially pregnant ladies.