Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Are Nightmares Causing Your Night Sweating How to Get a Good Night's Sleep and Stay Dry

Are Nightmares Causing Your Night Sweating How to Get a Good Night's Sleep and Stay Dry

Image source: http://nebekerfamilyhistory.com/nebgen/Bearce_1_files/shapeimage_2.png

Are Nightmares Causing Your Night Sweating How to Get a Good Night's Sleep and Stay Dry

If you are prone to nightmares then you probably experience Night Sweating with them. The two usually go hand in hand. While you are having a nightmare it can up your blood pressure and bring on the flight-or-fight response. These reactions can in turn cause you to sweat while you are sleeping. These are called night sweats. You can wake up wet all over at times. Is this what is happening to you? If it is read on to see how to deal with it.

Nightmares are dreams that upset you causing you to feel anxious or afraid. They often times awaken you. They can always elevate your blood pressure and make you start profusely sweating.

When trying to solve this sweaty problem, you will first have to analyze why you are having the nightmares. Do you have some problems causing you tension and worry? Can you resolve these issues on your own or do you need help? A bad dream here or there can be normal but nightmares on a nightly basis can be a sign of deeper issues.

When you find the cause of your nightmares you will need to start working to rid yourself of them. This in turn will help with your Night Sweating. If you are carrying all your problems to bed with you, then you need to learn how to turn your brain off to them prior to going to sleep.

Meditation helps to center the mind on positive thoughts. This can be done right before bedtime to remove the problems of the day from your mind. This can help you be more relaxed and in a positive state of mind to go to sleep. This could help reduce how many nightmares you have. If meditation does not help the nightmares occurring, then seek out medical advice.

Also notice what you are eating before you go to bed. You could be eating too heavy or spicy foods to close to going to bed. This could cause some of the nightmares you have to happen. Give yourself at least 3 hours after you eat to go to bed. This will give your food at least some time to digest before you trying to go to sleep. Remember too that spicy foods can cause sweating to elevate by themselves. So by watching the spicy foods at night you could help not only the nightmares, but the sweating you have because of them.

Aside from the nightmares causing you to sweat at night, make sure you have not other health issues like thyroid problems or diabetes. Once you have found no other medical reasons for your excessive sweating you can proceed in finding natural cures.

We have already covered some of the natural cures for sweating here. Watch what you eat as far as spicy foods; do not consume caffeine or alcohol. These can cause your body to sweat sometimes excessively by themselves. There are other natural methods which you can learn about too.

By doing something about your nightmares and looking at other reasons for you perspiring so much at night, you can solve the problem. You can go back to sleeping dry all night long with no Night Sweating.

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