Minggu, 18 Maret 2018

Abdomen Big And Wide

Abdomen Big And Wide

Image source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41mooyycBZL.jpg

Abdomen Big And Wide

Most babies have such round bellies that they look like overfed bullfrogs. In part, these big bellies are caused by their distended stomachs after they're filled with milk and air. The stomach, being on the left side, may give the belly a lopsided look. Furthermore, babies have relatively large internal organs, such as the liver, that push out against the abdominal wall. Since the newborn 's abdominal muscles are weak, they offer little resistance, and as a result, gravity determines the shape that the abdomen assumes. When the baby lies on his back, everything flows to the flanks and widens the shape. When the baby is upright, what's inside falls forward and gives the baby a beer belly. Remember that the baby's torso is much larger proportionally than that of the older child. The trunk of the older child constitutes 67 percent of his body mass; for the newborn, it's 75 percent.

HEALING NAVEL (UmbilicalStump)
After the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the small length that remains begins to shrivel up and dry out. Skin bacteria aid in this process, and bacterial colonization of the umbilical stump is a basic part of the process. This healing can cause a mildly unpleasant odor that's pretty much par for the course. Unless there are signs of infection, such as redness, hardness, listlessness, and so on, the cord's odor alone is no cause for concern.

Nursery personnel routinely apply some form of antiseptic to the cord, which slows down the bacterial colonization. This isn't a bad idea since the best of hospital nurseries are likely to be home to certain bacteria that you wouldn't choose as colonists for your baby's belly button. Since bacterial colonization is slowed, so is the cord's separation. The more potent the antiseptic, the more delayed the separation. Most cords separate during the second week of life. It's distinctly unusual for the cord to remain attached after four weeks. In some of these unusual situations, defects in the babies' immune systems have been found. Don't blame the doctor for the way the navel looks after the cord separates. Remember, all the doctor did was to cut the cord; the way the stump separates is strictly between the baby and his stump.

OOZING NAVEL (Umbilical Granuloma)
Navels ooze for a variety of reasons, but the most common one is the umbilical granuloma: a slowly growing pink mound of tissue rising from the center of the navel and producing a clear watery discharge. You may not see the pink mound until it grows out of the depression of the navel, but you'll see the discharge long before that. Umbilical granulomas used to be treated with table salt and alcohol, but nowadays one or two applications of silver nitrate do the job. The silver reacts with the protein in the granuloma to form a scab that soon falls off. The fluid that oozes out as the silver nitrate is applied also contains silver, and it may leave a brown stain around the navel or on the doctor's thumb. Both will slowly fade away. The doctor shouldn't complain and neither should you.

If the navel ooze refuses to stop oozing, especially after two silver nitrate applications, other causes of this umbilical weeping should be considered. In rare instances, remnants of the primitive intestine or primitive bladder remain in the navel, and if they're present surgery is the only way to stop the oozing.

Different Keys of the Native American Style Flute

Image source: https://www.picclickimg.com/d/w1600/pict/122569864923_/Native-American-style-flute-Key-E.jpg Different Keys of the Native Amer...