Minggu, 15 April 2018

Different Keys of the Native American Style Flute

Different Keys of the Native American Style Flute

Image source: https://www.picclickimg.com/d/w1600/pict/122569864923_/Native-American-style-flute-Key-E.jpg

Different Keys of the Native American Style Flute

Native American style flutes are made in many different keys. The key of the flute is the fundamental (lowest) note that the flute can play. So a Love flute in the key of A will have a fundamental note that is the same tone as the note A above the middle C on a piano. This particular A is calibrated to vibrate at a speed of 440 Hz. An Indian flute in a higher key than A - a C for example - will have a faster vibration rate and higher tone. A flute in a lower key - for example E - will have a lower rate of vibration and a lower tone. The flute in a higher key will have a shorter barrel length than a flute with a lower key. For example the flute in the key of A mentioned above will have a barrel length of approximately twelve and a half inches. A flute in the key of E below middle C - lower tone than A - will have a barrel length of around seventeen and a half inches. The barrel of the flute is the hollow chamber in which sound vibrations are generated. A Native American style flute has a second chamber called the slow air chamber. This adds additional length to the flute. So, the overall length of the flute is greater than the barrel length alone. For example an Ancient Territories Native American style flute in the key of A is twenty-one inches in length from one end to the other.

Love flutes in the keys of A above middle C through E below middle C are often called mid range flutes. Lower keyed flutes are called bass flutes when they are in the octave below C and double bass flutes when they are two octaves below. Higher keyed flutes are called treble flutes.

As you can imagine lower keyed Native American flutes will be somewhat more difficult to hold and play. Not only is a flute in a lower key bigger and heavier. But, the tone holes that the fingers must cover are further apart. Therefore a novice is advised to start with a comfortable sized flute such as an A or G rather than the longer and lower toned flutes such as F#, F and E.

The tonal quality of each individual note is unique. So also is the tonal quality of flutes in different keys. A flute in the key of A will play a mode one pentatonic scale consisting of the notes A, C, D, E, G. A flute in the key of G will play a mode one pentatonic scale consisting of the notes G, A#, C, D, F. So, as you can see (and hear) flutes in different keys will play scales composed of different combinations of notes.

Some people experience each note as having a corresponding color. Or the different notes can be compared to different flavors of sound. Just as there are different flavors of ice cream there are different flavors of sound. The note G has a different tonal flavor than the note A. Higher sounding notes that vibrate at more rapid rates have/convey more energy. They are more stimulating. Lower notes are more relaxed and meditative. Perhaps you are familiar with the sound of the Penny Whistle used in much Irish dance music. The Penny Whistle is usually in the key of what is commonly called high D. High D is the second D above middle C on the piano. This instrument has a very penetrating and stimulating sound. The dance steps of Irish clog dancing reflect this intensity. They are rapid and energetic. The dancers whirl and stomp. Contrast this to the music of a waltz in the key E.

The sound of a Love flute in the key of F, E, Eb or D is more meditative in quality. Most of the prospective buyers who sample the sounds on my website are attracted to these lower keyed flutes.

The keys of different Native American style flutes are often assigned to different areas of the human body and their associated energy centers. These energy centers are called Chakras. There are seven charkas. The lowest is at the base of the spine and the highest is at the crown of the head. According to tradition the lowest chakra vibrates at the pitch of D. The second chakra in the lower abdominal region is E. the solar plexus chraka is F. The heart chraka is F#. The chakra in the neck or thyroid region is G. The forehead or eye center chakra is G# and the chakra at the crown of the head is A. It is thought that each of these centers vibrates in harmony with its particular musical note.

The key of F# is sometimes called the de facto key of the Native American style flute. It has achieved this status by usage. The majority of recorded Native American style flute music is done with an F# flute. Also, F# is a very popular flute key among amateur players. There seems to be no rational explanation for this. Perhaps it is because so much NA flute music is music of the heart. The only problem with an F# flute is that it is not a common musical key. So other musicians - guitarists, pianist etc - may have a difficult time playing with you. The keys of A, G and E are more common.

I suggest that you listen to sound samples or better yet play flutes of various keys to feel what key is best for you. You will know it when what you hear feels right to you.

Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Diastasis Recti Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Diastasis Recti Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Image source: https://thehumbledhomemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/diastasis_V2_watermark.png

Diastasis Recti Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Diastasis Recti is the separation that occurs between the left and right side of the abdominis muscle of the rectus. This muscle actually covers the belly area's front surface.


-This problem is quite common in newborns. It is seen more often in premature babies and African American infants.

-Pregnant women could develop this condition because of the increased tension on abdominal walls. Added, the risk is higher if there are multiple births or in the case of many pregnancies.

-If women who are more than 12 week pregnant exercise, they stress their abdomens. This could worsen the situation.

-The abdominal trauma with diastasis could cause connective tissues to wear and tear away from abdominal walls and lead to ventral hernia.


-The diastasis recti will look like a ridge that will run down from the middle of tummy area. This will stretch from the bottom of the breastbones to the belly button. This increases the strain on the muscles.

-In most of the infants, this condition can be easily noticed when he or she tries to sit. When this infant is relaxing, you can feel the edges of the muscles on the rectus.

-Women who have had multiple pregnancies could face this problem as their muscles would have been stretched a lot of times. The soft tissues and the extra skin in the front of abdominal walls might be the only symptom of this problem in the early pregnancies. In the later pregnancies, the uterus of the pregnant lady may be seen as bulging out from the abdominal walls. Even the unborn baby's full outline may be seen.

-Women may notice poor posture, back pain, problems with the pelvic floor, disturbances in their intestines like constipation, bloating etc.

-If the new born baby develops some kind of redness or gets pain in the abdomen, then it could be a symptom.

-Also, if the baby keeps vomiting without stopping, then it will be good to take him to the doctor immediately.

-Another symptom is if the baby keeps crying without reason.


When one visits the doctor, the doctor would be able to diagnose this by doing a physical exam.

-For pregnant ladies who face this condition, no treatment is required.

-For infants, the rectus abdominis muscles might continue. It could also disappear after some time. Surgery may be required if the baby develops a hernia, which can become trapped in the spaces between muscles.

-The diastasis recti that are related with pregnancy could even last long after the delivery. Exercises might be required for improving this condition. Some people might see an umbilical hernia as well. If there is pain, surgery could be required.

-If there are complications related to the hernia, then surgery may be the only option.

Whatever be the cause or the symptom, it is important to show it to the doctor and get treated immediately. In particular, this is imperative, when it involves a newborn baby who can't even express and explain his problems

Department of State Increasing Application Fee For K1 and K3 Visa Applications

Department of State

Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/United_States_Department_of_State_headquarters.jpg

Department of State Increasing Application Fee For K1 and K3 Visa Applications

The following article discusses the recent announcement of fee increases for those seeking non-immigrant K visas for alien loved ones residing overseas.

American Immigration law is an extremely opaque area of jurisprudence as it is fundamentally driven by statute rather than the common law. Many of those who are seeking Immigration benefits are confused by the seemingly arbitrary rules and regulations. This attitude is often held by those who are dealing with the back end of the process at American Consulates overseas as the time differences as well as the Consulate's local rules can be confusing to those dealing with the Immigration process for the first time.

Recently, the Department of State announced that the current fees for K visa applications will be increased. To quote the Department of State directly, "The application fee for K visas for fianc(e)s of U.S. citizens will be $350."* In the past, the fee associated with Consular Processing of K visas was $131. Apparently, the surplus revenues generated by the increase in fees are to be used to streamline the overall visa process through use of additional resources and staff.

For the most part, the fee increase will only impact those with an alien fiance(e) and not those with an alien spouse. This is due to the fact that the United States National Visa Center recently announced that they will no longer process K3 visa applications if the underlying visa petition for an Immigrant Visa has already been adjudicated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). The decision to "administratively close" K3 visa applications has, in this author's opinion, lead to a relative drop in the number of K3 visa applications adjudicated by American Embassies and Consulates abroad.

It should be noted that the initial fees associated with a K1 visa petition remain the same. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), under the authority of the United States Department of Homeland Security which is a separate agency from the US Department of State, charges $455 to process an I-129f petition for an alien fiance. At present, I-129f petitions for K3 visas are being processed by USCIS at no charge, but the petitioner must initially file an I-130 petition which requires the remittance of $355 in processing fees. In practical terms, relatively few, if any, K3 visa applications are currently being processed due to the National Visa Center's "administrative closure" policy regarding K-3 applications.

K visa applicants are not the only applicants who will be impacted by increased fees. Other non-immigrant visa categories are slated to have a fee increase. To learn more about the recently announced fee increases please see: http://manila.usembassy.gov/wwwh3023.html


Demand for High-End Health Care on the Rise in China

Demand for High-End Health Care on the Rise in China

Image source: http://www.hktdc.com/resources/MI_Portal/Article/rp/2013/05/457542/1369105936382_eChart_457542.jpg

Demand for High-End Health Care on the Rise in China

"The original health care system cannot meet the demands of the wealthy market. This is an opportunity for investment, especially as the government is now encouraging and promoting the development of high-end health care" - Ministry of Health Medical Services Regulatory Secretary Chen John Jiu, July 2012

China is home to the 4th largest number of millionaires in the world and Beijing is home to the greatest number of wealthy people in China, including 179,000 millionaires and 10,500 people considered super-rich. Those with higher incomes, thanks to a rich diet, urban living, and less reliance on manual labor or exercise, often suffer from a higher incidence of chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, liver disease, respiratory illness, diabetes and stress. These people are increasingly concerned about their health and finding access to health care services that meets their needs.

On June 3 2012 Research Institute Fortune issued a white paper titled "China Wealth Health" stating that although wealthy Chinese are paying more attention to their health about 68% of them are suffering from sub-health conditions. The paper concludes that there are over 30 million individuals of high net worth and emerging wealth in need of improved medical services.

Director of the Chinese Doctor Association, Yin Dakui says, "Most people want to be able to enjoy better medical services. Chinese and foreign capital investors are coming together to meet the needs of the population with a higher standard of medical care."

To help meet this demand, in November 2012 the international company WA Optimum Health Care established their new specialty health care facility in Beijings Fragrant Mountain National Park. Their Chairman, Dr Shu Li, Harvard PhD comments "The location, architecture, quality of medical care and standard of service were all designed with the needs of patients in mind. Privacy, discretion and excellent follow-up care are crucial. Of course the most important factor is the level of personal medical attention given to each patient, which is why we have invested in bringing the best doctors from within China and around the world here."

With a flagship center already operating in Shanghai for over 2 years, the international management and medical teams of WA Optimum Health Care are very familiar with the realities of meeting the demands of the market as well as navigating the regulations and licensing issues that have historically challenged other international health care providers that have tried to enter Chinese market. WA Optimum Health Care Vice Chairman Derek Muhs said, "With the implementation of recent health care reforms in China, we are pleased to be one of the first foreign companies providing a gold standard of health care services in this market. The growth opportunities over the next 5 years in the health care sector in China are very exciting."

The WA Center in Beijing is a multi-discipline medical center of excellence specializing in the treatment and prevention of serious chronic conditions such as infertility, diabetes, liver disease, joint degeneration, chronic pain and sexual dysfunction, among others. There is also an advanced cosmetic medicine department that offers rejuvenation and cosmetic improvements performed by leading cosmetic surgeons from Switzerland, USA, South Korea and China.

At the WA Beijing private opening event Mr Wang, President of the "China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association" presented WA with a plaque endorsing them as a "China Clinical Research Center for Functional Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine".

Countless Chinese people go abroad annually for health care services, especially for anti-aging and cosmetic treatments, cancer screening, to give birth and to get treatment for chronic diseases. But with the governments health reform and support for private health care facilities, more and more Chinese are opting to stay home, where they can now have an international standard of health care in their own language and essential follow-up maintenance program with their personal doctor.

According to a September 2012 report by McKinsey & Company, Chinas health care spending is projected to grow from $357 billion in 2011 to $1 trillion in 2020. China remains one of the worlds most attractive markets, and is by far the fastest growing of all the large emerging markets.

Mr Muhs, quoted earlier, disclosed "We are looking closely at some exciting new opportunities for expansion and acquisition in the health care sector in China. With our 3-5 year IPO on the horizon this will be a very strategic expansion so as not to compromise the medical service that the market is demanding, and that we envision is the future of a new standard of health care in China."

Jumat, 13 April 2018

Definition Mind Science

Definition Mind Science

Image source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Disciplines_mind_map.jpg

Definition Mind Science

Cognitive science is most simply defined as the scientific study either of mind or of intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary study drawing from relevant fields including psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, computer science, and biology. The term cognitive science was coined by Christopher Longuet-Higgins in his 1973 commentary on the Lighthill report, which concerned the then-current state of Artificial Intelligence research. In the same decade, the journal Cognitive Science and the Cognitive Science Society began.


There are several approaches to the study of cognitive science. These approaches may be classified broadly as symbolic, connectionist, and dynamic systems.

* Symbolic - holds that cognition can be explained using operations on symbols, by means of explicit computational theories and models of mental (but not brain) processes analogous to the workings of a digital computer.
* Connectionist (subsymbolic) - holds that cognition can only be modeled and explained by using artificial neural networks on the level of physical brain properties.

* Hybrid systems - holds that cognition is best modeled using both connectionist and symbolic models, and possibly other computational techniques (see Sun and Bookman 1994).

* Dynamic Systems - holds that cognition can be explained by means of a continuous dynamical system in which all the elements are interrelated, like the Watt Governor.

Behavioral experiments
In order to have a description of what constitutes intelligent behavior, one must study behavior itself. This type of research is closely tied to that in cognitive psychology and psychophysics. By measuring behavioral responses to different stimuli, one can understand something about how those stimuli are processed.

Reaction time. The time between the presentation of a stimulus and an appropriate response can indicate differences between two cognitive processes, and can indicate some things about their nature. For example, if in a search task the reaction times vary proportionally with the number of elements, then it is evident that this cognitive process of searching involves serial instead of parallel processing.

Psychophysical responses. Psychophysical experiments are an old psychological technique, which has been adopted by cognitive psychology. They typically involve making judgments of some physical property, e.g. the loudness of a sound. Correlation of subjective scales between individuals can show cognitive or sensory biases as compared to actual physical measurements.

Eye tracking. This methodology is used to study a variety of cognitive processes, most notably visual perception and language processing. The fixation point of the eyes is linked to an individual's focus of attention. Thus, by monitoring eye movements, we can study what information is being processed at a given time. Eye tracking allows us to study cognitive processes on extremely short time scales. Eye movements reflect online decision making during a task, and they provide us with some insight into the ways in which those decisions may be processed.

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Dealing With Diurnal Enuresis

Dealing With Diurnal Enuresis

Image source: http://www.bedwettingchild.com/Logo%202-2-12.jpg

Dealing With Diurnal Enuresis

Diurnal enuresis is a type of incontinence that affects young children during their waking hours. The condition cannot be diagnosed unless the child is over five years old and is younger than sixteen. Diurnal enuresis is a very distressing condition for both the child and the parents.

There can be several reasons why a child develops diurnal enuresis. The first thing that needs to be medically established is whether the child has contracted a urinary infection. This involves the child providing a urine sample for testing. The doctor will also discuss family history, including toilet-training; bowel habits; and the regularity and nature of urinary stream.

As well as a urine infection, diurnal enuresis can also be caused by a brain hormone, known as antidiuretic hormone, not working properly. The presence of this hormone determines how much water can be held in the body. If the child has too little of this hormone being released into their body, their bladder may not be able to cope with the level of urine being stored.

Other things to consider if your child has developed diurnal enuresis is whether they have an overactive bladder - this is more common in girls and it can be a sign of infection. Quite often young children can become so caught up in an activity that they don't want to stop to go to the toilet. They then leave it too late and this can result in their bladder overflowing before they make it to the toilet.

Discovering with your doctor what it is causing your child's diurnal enuresis and working out how to help you and your child cope in this situation is crucial. It may be that a medical treatment isn't necessary and many children do grow out of the condition. But whatever the treatment your child needs you. There is an estimated 75% chance of a child with diurnal enuresis having a parent or sibling who has previously had the same condition. If it also happened to you, share the information with your child so that they know they are not the only one.

There are many things you can do to help your child with diurnal enuresis. The most important thing is reassurance. Tell your child, and remind them often, that it isn't their fault. Never allow their siblings to tease them. Recognise the warning signs: the child may start fidgeting or holding themselves in the perineal area. Encourage the child to go to the toilet and never punish them if they have an 'accident'.

It is important to know that whatever is causing your child to have diurnal enuresis, it is not the child's fault. The child isn't being lazy or naughty - it is a condition that they have no control over. While emotional stress does not cause diurnal enuresis, a result of having diurnal enuresis can lead to the child having emotional stress and losing self-esteem. Avoid this happening to your child.

Copyright (c) Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Day Care Benefits Look At The Positives

Day Care Benefits Look At The Positives

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/2740786/10/images/64/Pay+and+Benefits+Benefits.jpg

Day Care Benefits Look At The Positives

You've heard all the nasty rumors about day care. Too many kids and too few caregivers. Lots of sneezing and wheezing. That little guy whos always grabbing your childs toy. Everyones got a story. But you have to get back to work and you have no choice. Whats a good parent to do?

Lets ...You've heard all the nasty rumors about day care. Too many kids and too few caregivers. Lots of sneezing and wheezing. That little guy whos always grabbing your childs toy. Everyones got a story. But you have to get back to work and you have no choice. Whats a good parent to do?

Lets concentrate on the positive. There are plenty of benefits to sending your child to day care. If you consider some of these benefits, it will help you come to terms with your own decision, whether you have a choice or not. Once you understand, youll feel youre helping your child grow into a well rounded, happy child instead of feeling guilty about sticking him in day care.

Babies need interaction with other children. It's never too early to start engaging your son in activities with other children, whether his own age, toddlers or older children. Learning to interact with other kids prepares your son for his first real school experience. Day care is a gentler environment, there are less rules and more flexibility than strict teachers may impose in school.

Children benefit from day care by learning self-control, how to get along with others, and how to share. They begin to learn all about friendship. Without day care, your daughter only knows you; you are her whole world. How scary would it be to get into school at age four or five and find out that Mom isnt there with her? Children benefit from day care by expanding their world to include people other than their parents.

Separation anxiety will be lessened (or not an issue at all) when your child enters school if shes been in day care. Shes already used to being away from you for some time during the day. Shes learned how to make new friends and can be content without your undivided attention. The transition from home to school is far less difficult for those whove experienced day care.

In addition to learning socialization skills, your son may also have the opportunity to learn some of the basics such as the alphabet and numbers, and hes always increasing his vocabulary. This pre-preschool learning environment gives your child an understanding of what will be expected of him once he enters kindergarten. He learns to sit and listen, and is able to accept the information that will be thrust upon him in school. He learns the value of teamwork and to respect the opinions and emotions of others. Entering school for the first time is challenging for all children, but those who have been in day care benefit by already having exposure to a classroom-like environment.

Once your daughter enters school, day care can help with homework. Some day care facilities even offer after-school extracurricular activities like scout meetings, dance class, martial arts and on-site gymnastics instruction. Once she is in school her horizons begin to broaden.

As you can see, there are many benefits to placing your child in a licensed, qualified day care situation. And remember that even though your child is away from you for a portion of his day, it is really the parents that make the most difference in his life.

When he gets home from day care after spending a long day away from you, he will be bursting to tell you all about his day. Ask him questions about his friends, his teachers, his subjects. He will share his day with you no matter what his age is, and getting him to vividly describe his day is exciting to a child especially if you show interest. Of course youre interested, arent you? After all, this child, a mini version of yourself, is taking on the world one day at a time, and the choices and desires he has will be a direct reflection of you. Make the most of that opportunity while you can children are only children once.

Different Keys of the Native American Style Flute

Image source: https://www.picclickimg.com/d/w1600/pict/122569864923_/Native-American-style-flute-Key-E.jpg Different Keys of the Native Amer...